
Boutique law firms specialize in specific areas of the law and serve a select smaller group of clients. This sets them apart from the larger law firms, which typically take a more general approach both to the legal matters they represent and to the clients they take on. Working with a boutique law firm is an excellent way to ensure that your case is handled in the most effective way possible. Here are some of the most important benefits of choosing a boutique law firm in the state of New Jersey.

More Personalized Attention

Because boutique legal firms focus on a specific area of law and a small group of clients, these legal professionals can provide the careful attention to your case that you need to ensure the best outcomes. Smaller law firms can focus more of their efforts on individual cases rather than taking an assembly-line approach to legal matters. The personalized strategy adopted by these law firms can provide clients with added assistance in defending themselves against litigation in and out of court.

Lower Legal Fees

The lower overhead of smaller law firms can pay off for clients in more reasonable fees and increased financial flexibility. By selecting a boutique law firm, you can manage your expenses while ensuring the highest level of representation for your case. This can free up money to manage your business expenses while allowing you to feel confident in the quality of your attorneys and your defense representation in the New Jersey legal system.

Fewer Competing Interests

Smaller legal firms typically take on fewer cases, which can translate directly to more time spent in defending your case both in and out of court. By representing your interests aggressively in the legal arena, boutique law firms can reduce risks for business owners, property managers and individuals who are facing personal injury or product liability cases. This undivided focus on your case can increase your odds of winning and protecting your assets in the legal arena.

Willingness to Take on Smaller Cases

Because their financial overhead is considerably lower, boutique firms are often more willing to take on smaller cases. This is especially important for small business owners in dealing with construction accidents, premises liability, personal injury and motor vehicle accidents. By working with a firm that takes smaller cases just as seriously as larger ones, you can present the best defense for a wide range of civil litigation cases.

Increased Experience in a Narrower Field of Law

Most boutique firms work in a particular area of legal practice. Concentrating on one specific category of case allows them to gain experience and knowledge that can serve clients more effectively. For example, the Di Lauri & Hewitt Law Group focuses on civil litigation defense cases and has a proven track record of success in this field of New Jersey law. This added experience can make the difference between a small or large settlement for civil litigation against you or your company.

Trust and Personal Connections

A smaller law firm can allow you to build personal relationships with the attorneys on your team. This can provide you with added confidence when you are facing legal action against yourself or your company. By putting your trust in your legal team, you can increase your odds of winning in the New Jersey court system.

At the Di Lauri & Hewitt Law Group, we offer civil litigation defense services for clients who may be facing legal actions for personal injuries, product liability, workplace accidents and many other issues that require the assistance of a qualified and experienced attorney. We work with you to achieve the best results possible for your case. Call our office today at 973-354-5783 to schedule an initial consultation with our legal team. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

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Rated by Super Lawyers

As a Rising Star personal injury attorney in Morristown, New Jersey for multiple years in a row.

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National & Local Proficiency

We have litigated in every vicinage (court) in New Jersey and we deliver an exceptional breadth and depth of experience in representing corporations, businesses, families, and individuals in need of legal advisors to protect their rights.


20+ Years of Combined Experience

We have a track record of success that spans over two decades in getting you the results you deserve.