
Finding the most effective strategies for representing your clients effectively can sometimes require thinking outside the box. Taking a few cues from the business world can provide legal professionals with added resources and ideas on promoting creativity and ingenuity in the practice of law. Here are four strategies that could improve your ability to serve your clients more effectively now and in the future.

Get a Second Opinion

Enlisting a colleague to look over your work and to provide you with feedback on your casework can ensure that no aspect of your case is overlooked. By taking a fresh look at the work you have already done and your plan to approach your case, your colleague can provide you with valuable insights that you might not consider on your own. This can help you find new angles of attack and additional defense strategies that can promote the best outcomes for you and your client.

Ideally, your second opinion should come from an attorney who also specializes in your field of practice. Building contacts with other lawyers in your area will help in this endeavor and will help you to achieve the desired results on behalf of your clients. If you cannot build a solid working relationship with another attorney in your area of specialty, however, any qualified legal professional can provide you with the extra set of eyes and the perspective you need to deliver the right legal representation for your clients.

Schedule a Consultation with Your Staff

Your legal team is a valuable resource for your law practice. Putting their skills and knowledge to the best use is critical for your continuing success in the legal field. Scheduling a meeting to solicit information and suggestions from these key staff members will help you to access this wealth of information and will create the most cohesive and collaborative team environment for your law practice.

Your brainstorming sessions will provide you with added insights into managing a variety of tasks:

• Building a website for your law firm
• Improving workflows throughout your legal practice
• Finding better ways to manage documentation and case records
• Attracting new clients
• Establishing connections with the legal community and the general public
• Addressing current challenges and issues facing your law firm

Even a one-time brainstorming session can often promote a greater feeling of camaraderie and collaboration among your staff. This can translate into a much more effective approach to all your cases and an improved degree of success for your legal endeavors.

Solicit Anonymous Feedback on Your Performance

Providing your staff members with a safe and anonymous forum in which they can suggest improvements, make comments and express their opinions can help you to identify areas in which you can improve your skills and communication methods. This forum can be configured in several ways:

• An annual meeting of your staff that occurs without you in the room can allow for the free exchange of ideas and suggestions that can be compiled and presented to you. This will provide you with actionable information you might not otherwise have access to within your office environment.
• An online forum that is accessible only to your staff members and that allows for anonymous posting may also provide your team with the safe space they need to make suggestions and to critique your performance. Security is essential for these forums, which may contain sensitive or confidential information that should not be made available to those outside your law firm.

By making these forums available for your staff members, you can gain valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses to allow you to improve your performance more effectively.

Make It a Point to Meet with Your Team

Regular meetings with the members of your legal team can allow you to evaluate their ongoing performance and their recent efforts on behalf of your firm. Your staff meetings are an excellent chance for your team to share their triumphs and discuss their challenges. These staff gatherings can also serve as team-building opportunities and can present new opportunities for collaboration within your legal practice.

Making it clear that you welcome input from your staff during your scheduled meetings will allow them to make suggestions and ask for help with any issues they might be experiencing. These regular get-togethers are an excellent way to build collaboration within your firm from the ground up and to identify strengths and talents within your legal team.

At the Di Lauri & Hewitt Law Group, we go above and beyond to help our clients achieve their goals. We work with individuals, property owners and businesses throughout our area to provide the best possible litigation representation for their cases. If you need the right defense options for personal injury, premises liability, workplace injuries, and product liability cases, we are the right choice for your needs. Contact us today at 973-354-5783 to discuss your legal needs with our team. We are here to serve your needs.

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