
Characteristics of Successful Litigation Attorneys and Why You Need One for Your Case

The road to success as a litigation attorney can be challenging and requires plenty of hard work to navigate. Acquiring a solid amount of hands-on experience in the courtroom setting is one of the most important elements in achieving the desired results as a litigation lawyer. Here are some of the most important characteristics needed to succeed as a litigation attorney along with practical reasons for pursuing a career in this field of the law.

Outstanding Research Skills

The ability to research case precedents accurately is a key skill for litigation attorneys. These legal professionals are also often called upon to collect evidence and compile it into a workable case. Litigation lawyers must be able to identify the most relevant information and to construct cases based on that information to ensure the best outcomes for their clients.

Proper Responses to Discovery

Responding to requests for information during discovery requires a strong knowledge of the field of law and the requirements of these disclosures. Litigation attorneys must also comply with strict deadlines that typically require turnaround in 30 days or less. Making sure that all requirements are met and that discovery requests are answered promptly can have a significant effect on the outcome of the case.

Attention to Detail

Even minor details can have a significant impact on the outcome of litigation. Working with an attorney who makes sure all the details are handled correctly can help clients to feel more confident when dealing with civil litigation issues in and out of court. This can also ensure that these legal professionals can achieve the best results on behalf of their clients.

Strong Communication Skills

The ability to write clearly and to communicate information to other attorneys, clients and witnesses can help litigation lawyers to manage their cases more efficiently. This can provide practical advantages for clients who want their litigation wrapped up quickly and in a way that benefits them most.

Rapport with Clients and Witnesses

Preparing witnesses for depositions or testimony at trial is an integral part of the civil litigation process. Attorneys who pursue this path should have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to connect with all types of people. This can be a major advantage for lawyers and their clients both in court and in out-of-court discussions and negotiations.


Civil litigation cases can sometimes drag on for months as witnesses are called, continuances are requested and juries are chosen. Successful civil litigators are prepared for this extended battle and can provide clients with the right support at every stage of their cases. The ability to persevere and to prevail is a defining trait of successful civil litigation lawyers.

Experience and Knowledge

Perhaps the most important attribute of successful litigators is a depth of experience on which they can draw to construct cases, make arguments and win in court. This experience and knowledge must be earned in the courtroom setting. For clients, choosing an attorney with proven experience in litigation can be a solid first step toward achieving greater success in their particular cases.

Why Choose a Litigation Attorney?

Choosing an experienced litigation attorney to deal with civil cases and other legal matters can provide significant benefits for you and your company:

• An improved chance of winning your case
• Greater odds of achieving the settlement amount you want
• Minimizing damages for clients facing litigation

Improved Success Rates

Selecting a litigator with a track record for success in the courtroom setting can ensure that you receive the most effective representation for yourself and your company. In the courtroom setting, experience can make the difference between a win or a loss for your case. By opting for a civil litigation attorney with proven experience in the relevant field of law, you can put the odds in your favor in and out of court.

The Highest Financial Settlements

If you are the plaintiff in your civil litigation case, your attorney can go to bat for you to obtain the compensation to which you are rightfully entitled. By entrusting your case to a qualified litigator, you can ensure that you get the highest possible settlement for injuries, illnesses and other damages caused by the negligence, mistakes or deliberate actions of others.

Managing Damages

The right civil litigation attorney can provide you with aggressive representation to protect your financial resources and minimize the damages assessed against you or your company. This can help you deal with these issues quickly and in the most cost-effective way possible.

At the Di Lauri & Hewitt Law Group, we can provide you with the experience and knowledge necessary to represent your interests both in and out of court. Call our civil litigation team today at 973-354-5783 to discuss your case with us. We look forward to the chance to serve you.

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